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Review: Bhutan Filmdays in Zurich (27.-29. 1. 2017)

Review: Bhutan Filmdays in Zurich (27.-29. 1. 2017)

with a link to the film „Das Tal der Frauen“, by Marianne Pletscher

Since the introduction of TV and Internet in the year 1999, a very diversified film production took off in Bhutan. Dzongsar Khyentse Norbu Rinpoche represents an internationally renowned film director of this country and his most recent film "Hema Hema" was shown as World Premiere at the Locarno Film Festival 2016. Apart from him, several young, independent filmmakers, like Dechen Roder, Tashi Gyeltsen, Zuri Rinpoche and Jamyang Jamtsho Wangchuk had their films shown abroad and received awards for them.

These films have in common a strong bond to the Bhutanese culture and traditions, particularly Buddhism. Dzongsar Khyentse Norbu Rinpoche very aptly said: “For centuries Buddhism has adopted the method of statues and artistic representation in order to express messages of compassion, love and wisdom. Film could be seen as a modern day thangka (a traditional Buddhist painting) as it is one of the most powerful mediums that we have today.”

The movies shown in Zurich allowed the audience not only to dive into an exotic world but also into a different thinking. Several Bhutanese filmmakers and actors were present in order to discuss their films and the contemporary film production in Bhutan with the public.

In addition to the films made by Bhutanese filmmakers, the well-known and inspiring film „Das Tal der Frauen“ (A Women’s Place) by Swiss filmmaker Marianne Pletscher was shown too.

Link to the German version of this film:


The Bhutan Filmdays in Zurich were organized by the Society Switzerland-Bhutan in collaboration with the EMZ.



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Picture gallery with impressions of the event

Picture gallery with impressions of the event