Himalayan Space: Cultural Horizons and Practices
Edited by Balthasar
Bickel and Martin Gaenszle
To appear in 1999, Museum of Ethnography, Zürich
ISBN 3-909105-36-X
The contributors to this volume analyze different conceptions of space in various
traditions of the Himalayan region by relying on linguistic and cultural evidence.
Linguistic approaches raise questions about the underlying cognitive models which are
inscribed in grammatical systems and are relevant in everyday speech practice.
Anthropological analysis complements this perspective by looking at cultural patterns
which become particularly apparent in ritual action (such as shamanist journeys) and
mythological discourse. In comparing the findings about different traditions, two basic
spatial models emerge in various local constellations and blends: the 'mandalaic' model
takes up a common South Asian theme and systematically conflates body-centred orientation
with cardinal directions. The 'geomorphic' model invokes more territorial notions and is
strongly bound to the hilly and mountainous landscape of the region. In their detailed
studies the authors explore the complexities of these models and related practices. The
cultural horizons for conceptualizing space and the practices informed by these horizons
prove to be crucial for an understanding of both tradition and change in the social and
political settings of the Himalayan region.
Balthasar Bickel & Martin Gaenszle
Introduction: cultural horizons and practices in Himalayan space
Gérard Toffin
Spatial categories of the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley: The
inside - outside opposition
Balthasar Bickel
Cultural formalism and spatial language in Belhara
Karen Ebert
The up - down dimension in Rai grammar and mythology
Martin Gaenszle
Travelling up - travelling down: the vertical dimension in Mewahang Rai
ritual journeys
Michael Oppitz
Cardinal directions in Magar mythology
András Höfer
Nomen est numen: notes on the verbal journey in some Western
Tamang oral ritual texts
Judith Pettigrew
Parallel landscapes: ritual and political values of a Shamanic soul
Please order at: Völkerkundemuseum Zürich
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