Raphael Schwere, Dr.
- Doctoral Researcher
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(letztes Update Juli 2022)
Human-Animal Studies (Ethnokamelologie), Materielle Kultur, Praktisches Wissen, Anthropology of Food, Disability Studies, Museumsethnologie, Ostafrika (insbesondere Somaliland und Uganda)
Interspecies Relatedness in a Disappearing Camel World (Dissertationsprojekt)
Burden Camels in Somaliland: Disappearing Skilled Practices and Material Heritage (Endangered Material Knowledge Programme, British Museum, postponed)
Points of View: Museum Cooperation between Uganda and Switzerland
Mobile Milk Museum (2019, Ausstellung auf Rädern in Uganda)
Sichtweisen: Visionen einer Museumspartnerschaft (2018)
The Power of Milk (2017, Igongo Cultural Centre, Mbarara/Uganda)
Drink Deeply! Milk Exhibition (2017, Uganda National Museum, Kampala/Uganda)
Trinkkultur – Kultgetränk: Milch in Afrika, Kalebasse und Tetra Pak (2014)
Ethnologie der Olfaktorik, Anthropology of Meat, Animal Labour, Doing Ethnography, Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen, Regionalmodul Afrika: Ethnologische Somali Studies, Qualitative Research Methods Short Courses, Ethnologiekolloquium, Fachgeschichte Ethnologie, Disability & Technology field school, Einführung in die Ethnologie: Monographieübung, Einführung in die Ethnologie: Methodenübung, Einführung in die ethnologischen Disability Studies, Praxismodul Praktische Ethnologische Arbeit
Schwere, Raphael. 2015. “Appropriation of Assistive Technology for People with Mobility Disabilities in Kampala along an Itinerary of Socio-Technical Transformations.” Master’s thesis, Zurich: University of Zurich.
Schwere, Raphael. 2012. “Third Legs and Embodied Tricycles: People with Mobility Disabilities’ Experiences with Assistive Technologies in Kampala, Uganda.” Bachelor’s Thesis, Zurich: University of Zurich.
Schwere, Raphael. 2022. ‘Horse Power=W⁄t= ?’. Theater Gessnerallee (website), 6 Januar 2022. https://www.gessnerallee.ch/de/schedule/cycle/951/Zyklus_8.
Schwere, Raphael. 2019. ‘Afrikas Museen haben sich emanzipiert. Die Restitutionsdebatte zeigt es: Afrikanischen Institutionen wird wenig zugetraut. Aber da sollte man erst einmal genauer hinschauen’. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 17 April 2019.
Grigo, Jacqueline, Marc Meyer, and Raphael Schwere. 2019. ‘Exhibition on Wheels: Mobile Dairy Museum Tours Uganda’. UZH News (blog). 1 April 2019. https://www.news.uzh.ch/en/articles/2019/Milch-Museum-Uganda.html.
Grigo, Jacqueline, Marc Meyer, and Raphael Schwere. 2019. ‘Ein rollendes Milch-Museum in Uganda’. UZH News (blog). 1 April 2019. https://www.news.uzh.ch/de/articles/2019/Milch-Museum-Uganda.html.
Laely, Thomas, Marc Meyer, and Raphael Schwere. 2017. ‘Conference Report: Museum Cooperation between Africa and Europe, Opportunities, Challenges and Modalities (Zurich, 1.-3.12.2016)’. SGAS Newsletter. Basel.