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Ethnographic Museum

Henriette Stierlin

Henriette Stierlin, Dr.

  • Gastkuratorin der Ausstellung "Ohne Honig hast du nichts zu essen"

Dr. Henriette Stierlin ist Gastkuratorin der Ausstellung Ohne Honig hast du nichts zu essen - Über Bienenwissen bei Ayoréode in Bolivien und Paraguay (22. November 2020 - 30. Januar 2022).

Research interests
Environmental anthropology, Indigenous use of environment and know-how, Indigenous rights, ethnohistory,
visual ethnograph
y, intercultural communication

Research region
Amazonian and Andean cultures in Latin-America


2009 PhD in History, University of Szeged, Hungary

1999 Anthropology, Universidad Mayor San Andrés, Bolivia

1990 Master in Literature (minor in Italian literature), University József A., Hungary


2019–2020 Guest curator, Ethnographic Museum at the Universität of Zurich

2018–2019 Research Associate, Environmental Studies, Universität of Zurich

2016–2018 NGO activities with sex workers, Olten, Zurich

2014 Assistant Professor, Károli G. University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary

2010–2013 Lecturer, University of Szeged (SZTE), Hungary

2003–2008 Director, Ngo Aguarague (environmental projects, use of nature resources, indigenous knowledge, ethnohistory, bee projects, intercultural communications, etc.), Santa Cruz, Bolivia

2000 Junior researcher, Ngo CIDDEBENI, Trinidad, Bolivia

1997–2002 Independent Consultant in International Projects (indigenous health, territory, ethnobotany, etc.), Bolivia

1992–2008 Producer, Scriptwriter, Lecturer, PM Films, USA-Bolivia

1989–1992 Assistant, Mountain Top Films, USA

Academic Activities
2020: Seminar ““The Ayoreo and their Honey”, Anthropology, UZH

2019: Seminar UWW 152 “Ecohealth”, Environmental Studies, UZH

2010–2013 Lecturer:

Hispanic Studies: Latin-American Civilizations

Anthropology: Jesuit missionary culture

Communication: Ethnic Identity and Intercultural Communication

Religious studies: Roma Identity and Intercultural Communication

Publications – monographies
Manual de manejo de las Abejas nativas, (co-author Eugenio Stierlin), ed. HIVOS (Holland) /FCBC/ Aguarague, Bolivia

2005 Conocimiento de los Ayoreos sobre la miel (Ayoreo indigenous knowledge about honey), (co-author Eugenio Stierlin), ed. Aguarague/PNUD/CANOB, Bolivia

2008 Diccionario de la Antropologia Boliviana (Dictionary of Anthropology in Bolivia), Bolivia

1998b Pueblo indigena Baure (The Baure), IN: serie “Pueblos Indigenas y Originarios de Bolivia”, ed. MDSP/VAIPO/PNUD, Bolivia

1998a Demanda territorial Baure (Land demand of the Baure), VAIPO, Bolivia


1994–1995 Hombre de la Luna. TV series. PM Films. Producer.

1996 Tierra (Earth). Documentary. PM Films. Research, scriptwriter.

2006 Outbreak. Documentary for National Geographic. Field producer.

2006 Vientos negros (Dark wind). Documentary about the Machupo fever. PM Films. Research, script, producer.

2006 Misiones. Documentary about Jesuit missions in Mojos. PM Films. Research, script, producer.

2019: Then we disappear. Documentary. UZH & EH-CH. Director, producer and research